Avoiding Gluten

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Gluten and Grains can both be bad for your gut and your weight loss efforts.

Lose the wheat, lose the weight.

In his book “Wheat Belly” Dr. Williams describes the increase in visceral fat that gets plunked down in your midsection and how it’s linked to gluten consumption.

If your trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy body-weight grains can keep you addicted to the very foods that are causing the worst damage by making you hungry for more. Grains (even Gluten-Free) can cause blood sugar spikes that lead to your body depositing more fat, usually at your waist. These carbs enter your bloodstream too quickly, in the form of glucose, causing your blood sugar to spike, followed by an insulin surge, which leads to biological addiction. This is the pattern that is linked to not just getting fat but also to the development of diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease. Grains, bread, and potatoes are the most positively correlated foods when it comes to how much a food raises your blood sugar.

The latest research in a Harvard study of eighty-three thousand women, an intake combination of lower carbohydrates, higher proteins, and higher fats was not linked to risk of heart disease; in fact, vegetable sources of fat and protein were tied to a moderately reduced risk. A higher glycemic load in the same study was associated with a 90 percent greater risk of heart disease. Which is the number one killer in the US, about 610,00 people die of heart disease, that 1 in every 4 deaths. 

The fact is most people who are looking to lose weight or maintain their healthy weight will avoid extra carbs that add calories and replace them with more vegetables. Eating too many breads, pastas, rice, and potatoes are not recommend if you are looking to lean out and have more energy. Try a grain-free diet for 30 days and see how great you feel. Then add back sparingly gluten-free products for the next 30 days and see if you notice a difference in your weight and your energy.


