Chew & Eat Slowly

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The Importance of Chewing Your Food

Chew, and don’t gulp!

Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

In a fast-paced industry, people tend to chew less and rely on liquids to help swallow down food. The joy of eating turned into a chore to keep the individual alive. 

People don’t know that chewing is the first step of digestion and not the stomach. It aims to break food down into smaller particles for the body to digest and absorb more easily. It can help reduce the calorie intake and increase the satiety of an individual’s meals. It also aids in mindful eating, which helps slow down overall food intake and avoid unconscious overeating. 

According to studies, the recommended amount of time to chew before swallowing is around 32. The number can vary depending on what you eat. It can be lesser on softer foods like melon and may need more on harder foods like nuts. Doing this helps liquefy the ingredients and make them ready for digestion. Moreover, the saliva contains an enzyme called amylase, which is responsible for breaking down simple sugars as well.

Benefits of chewing food:

  • Chewing helps break down food and starts the digestive process. 
  • It helps lessen the risk for the following: choking, dehydration, malnutrition, and aspiration.
  • It helps in mindful eating and weight loss. Chewing makes the individual appreciate the food better and allow the brain to become fuller faster. 
  • Chewing helps reduce the urge to snack later in the day. Eating satisfying meals help avoid snacking.
  • It lessens the bacteria on intestines as food is already broken down and only needs to be absorbed.